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      Spring 2024

Hello there fellow farmers and followers,

We are 1 week away from spring and we have onions in the ground!  This is Angie by the way.  I am the newbie at Law and Garden and am really excited to be part of the team.   With all of the plants that will be going into the ground soon there's much to be excited about.  

The greenhouse is holding up nicely after a cold, windy, rainy winter.  Logan has worked around the clock some nights keeping it toasty warm inside.  And while we may have some more rain coming again soon enough, we are definitely celebrating this next week of sunshine.

The Ladies are all doing great (chickens).  The warmer weather will of course help with egg production as well.

As previously mentioned, if you're needing farm fresh eggs and veggies or would like us to grow something special give us a call at 530-838-0405.  We would love to work with you! 



December 31, 2023, 8:10 p.m. Almost a new year!

I'm certainly going to give it a second year.  Last year we bought a tractor, bought a disc and rototiller for the tractor, got the tractor stuck in the mud twice due to my impatience, found a full-time grower, Logan, expanded the chicken coop to accommodate 40 more hens, so now we have 50 cage-free hens producing eggs, we put in irrigation, ran the water the entire year, thank God!, grew way too many vegetables, but not enough squash, the star attraction was watermelon and cantaloupe, who would have thought that, we shut the farm down late September, and I started thinking about next year.  

Well next year is here.  

I had to decide to either expand the farm to encompass the entire ten-acre parcel, or grow the same amount of vegetables we did last year, but make them better.  Since we had too many vegetables last year, no reason to expand, so we are just going to concentrate on growing the same amount of vegetables but growing them so much prettier. 


We can grow more, if you need something let us know.  Give me a call or text at 530-838-0405.  

For the last couple of weeks, we have been putting up the greenhouse, and figuring out how to heat it.  It was done a couple of days ago.  Today Logan, my farmer, and I are in competition to see who can grow the best starters.  He has the greenhouse I'll use my ironing board, and spare room for my starts.  

In closing, season 2, has officially begun.  We are taking orders.  If you are a grocery store, tell me how I can be of service.  If you are a restaurant, tell me what you need, if you are an individual I'll deliver them to you. 

It's 9:08 p.m. here in Corning, which means it's a new year in New York.  Happy New Year, 2024 here we come. God bless us all.  

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2023 was my first year growing fruits and vegetables and I think it was definitely a success! My helper is harvesting daily and selling our harvest Infront of my Law Firm almost daily.  We've made a good amount so far selling the fruits and vegetables and it makes me excited for next year when my garden is bigger and I'll have way more experience. I'm very grateful to those who have supported me and have been buying my fruits and vegetables. 


Planting Corn

April 15th, 2023.  Today a lot happened. Two days ago, I got the tractor unstuck and and disced an area of about 90 feet by 90 feet. My friend Mr. Morris came out and gave me his insight. We talked about water, my well, weeding, compost and a small amount of other things. Then we connected my rototiller to the tractor. (I bought the rototiller attachment when I bought the tractor, good idea, lets wait and see).  I went over the the plot that I had done with the disc.  Which one is better the disc or tilling?  Tomorrow, we will fill the area with sweet corn. 

Potatoes started coming in.  Onions are growing, I have some bare spots where the onions didn't come up. Maybe I planted them too deep.  Will replant tomorrow.  Created April 15th, 2023.

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          Boy Its happening! I can't believe it!  By design we kept growing and planting, with the purpose of outgrowing our ability to water by hand.  It has happened  we have so many fruits vegetable in the ground we officially put in an irrigation system to keep up with the watering. We are still growing.  In a month from now everything should be coming in: Tomatoes, onions, squash, carrots, cucumbers, tomatillos, garlic, peppers, corn, lettuce, beans, watermelon, and cantaloupe and I'm sure I'm missing one or two!
              I have a fruit and vegetable problem.  Who is going to eat my vegetable? Please eat my vegetables. Please text me at 530-838-0405 and let me know you want some vegetables.  I'll get them to you for starters.  You would be helping me.  

Just a small
leak, I got this

So much has happened, we have been putting vegetables in the ground. I found out that I need to put in a new water line to get an accurate water flow.  I purchased 300 feet of 2-inch pipe, (that’s a lot of pipe). 


During the rainy season I used a rototiller to create my rows to grow vegetables, I tried to use my tractor but it kept getting stuck.   Once I was able to use the tractor it really hit me how much I could really grow.  The tractor has allowed me to plant so much more.  Now I need to keep up the watering.  I can’t water from a regular water spicket. 


I have put in more onions, carrots, corn, squash, and potatoes in the ground.


Created April 28th, 2023 

The season is over!
June 30th, 2023 , 11:25 a.m.

The time has come. The season has come to an end. However, that doesn't mean I wont be posting anymore or that all the vegetables are gone.  What I mean by that is it's time for me to start thinking about next year. 

What I can do to get better.? Hmmm let me see.  Utilize my water better, irrigation and watering the plants, building a bigger green house,  expanding my chicken coop, right now I have 8 laying hens, but in about a month I will have 48 laying hens and getting my vegetables on tables. I well never forget those that support me, so you know I want to make sure they get my vegetables.  

Like I said before we are about a week and a half behind everyone else.  I'm ok with that, it's my first year. 





Well, a lot has happened. I've been through multiple employees, but I think I have finally found someone who will be able to help me out in the garden. Aside from this, I continue to put things into the ground. I'm about two weeks away from having a bounty of harvest. I should be harvesting hundreds of potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onion etc. I'm behind two weeks I believe because I wasn't watering enough, which my assistant brought to my attention.  ​Created June 20, 2023


Learning to Drive a Tractor

This was September 25, 2022. I'm with one of the best attorneys in the North State, Joshua Morris. He is an environmentalist by education.  He was showing me how to drive his tractor.  Since that time I have purchased my own tractor, which has gotten stuck three times.  In fact, it's stuck right now. It's only stuck a little this time, I'll have no problem getting it unstuck. Pulling the disc I get stuck.   I'm hoping tomorrow I can get it going and the ground is dry enough so I can put in a large amount of corn.  Created April 12, 2023  

Keep track of Law and Garden

Last year I had to find a property. After buying the property I started doing lengthy research.  Many hours of youtube, the internet, etc.  I built a cage-free chicken coop put some chickens in them and started to make fertilizer and harvesting eggs.  

February I started putting in seeds, some worked some failed.  I started buying plants from nurseries as soon as they hit the market.  I started putting in onions in early March, yes maybe too soon, but I was anxious.  I have gotten my tractor stuck three times, can't wait to use it.  I've put in about 15 rows of vegetables, which brings me here. 

As I move forward I will post or at least give a picture of what I have been doing.  If I have time I'll post it. This way when the vegetables come in you know what you are putting in your mouth.  Good luck to the vegetables and eggs. 

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