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This site is under construction.  Like my garden, it is growing every day. 





How It Started

As a child. I would follow my great-grandmother around in her garden in the backyard.  Her name was Rebecca Jefferson, we called her MyBecca.  That's her picture to the left.  I have asked many of my family members if they had any pictures of MyBecca.  Especially when I would go to family reunions I would ask for a picture.  This was the only one I could get. She died when I was around ten, and to this day I miss her.  I know she is watching me, MyBecca I love you,.  

As I said I would follow MyBecca around in the garden.  When she would go inside I would stay outside watering. I'd just water.  Then I'd go home come back and there would be things to eat growing out of the ground. It was amazing.  

I can only remember one time when she raised her voice at me just a little bit. I had found some chicken eggs in the backyard and was so proud to bring them to her. MyBecca look what I found. She sharply said, leave those alone, I'm trying to hatch some chickens. I remember that day well, it was the only time she ever yelled at me. 


There is no better love than grandparents' love.  I think that is where I got my love of the dirt and chickens, I miss you MyBecca.  I love you.  


I am an attorney, I swore on December 5th, 2011.  Hence Law and Garden.  That day I started my law firm in the small town of Corning, California. Corning is in Northern California, about two hours north of Sacramento.   With the help of Joshua Morris we built a thriving law practice. See for that story.  

Being an attorney has been tremendously fulfilling. but very hard.  I have been able to help many people get through some of their darkest times and some of their happiest times..  The profession has blessed me beyond expectations, but it has been very difficult, it has been hard on my mind and my heart.  Getting everyone to work on one accord, whether it be my team, clients, opposing sides, or judges, has been difficult.  


As I explained about my grandmother MyBecca, I always loved being in the garden. If I had the land I was putting things in the ground.   For whatever reason, I have been blessed with a green thumb, and I am so thankful for that ability.  I slowed down my practice a little, purchased 10 acres of land, and have this dream to fill it with vegetables.  I don't know if it's going to work, but I'm going to do what I have always done.  Work at it, keep my eyes on the prize, and pray.  

Law and Garden. Will you help me?

About Me

Satisfied Customers

We are going into our second year. Hopefully, by year five we will have some great comments.  

Travis E. Stroud

Travis E. Stroud

Travis E. Stroud

Law and Garden, putting in vegetables every day

PO Box 932 Corning, CA 96021


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